Heyyyyya~~! Long time no see isn't it? 😄

Today I'm going to talk about "justice". What is justice? Justice is the quality of being fair and reasonable. (p/s: thanks google for the definition ;p)  This topic came across in my mind right after my meeting with Afiq end. Well, during the meeting, I asked Afiq about his anatomy's grade. Surprisingly, his grade is B- (applause !) For someone who manages to get B- in the midst of hectic semester involving in the theater as the main actor, footballs and assignment, that is just really impressive. And so I asked him, how did he study and revise on the most complex subject in such a short time. Boys will be boys 😒 His answer was " I studied when I have time, in the free time I do things"Really? That was it? Oh, come on! #yetuje I think I should believe him though because he came here with excellent CGPA. Let's get back to the topic, shall we? Before I deviate some more 😅 And then he told me that his roommate struggled very much to the extent that he brought his notes to his bed. Meaning, that guy must have been read his notes until he falls asleep site? Gueessssss what? He got a similar grade as Afiq though he studied more than Afiq.
Here comes the main point that I want to talk about in my post. Some people get things easily without having to do extra efforts while some must work very hard in order to achieve their desire. Have you ever been thinking that life is sometimes unfair? Especially when we don't get what we want. My answer is I cant say that life is unfair. For me, the concept of gratitude and patience were the answer to the question. If you get more, you should be grateful but if you get less you should be more patient. Both persons are being tested there. Don't you think so? You passed the test if you can do that. I strongly believe that Allah is fair to His servants. Allah, Al-Adl. Both are being tested. Both. But in different circumstances. Here is the Quran verse to prove my words.

Sahih International

Indeed, We have made that which is on the earth adornment for it that We may test them [as to] which of them is best in deed.  [18:7] Al- Kahf
